Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 1087 Broad Street, Suite 201, Bridgeport, CT 06604

I-95 Car Accident Claims

I-95 Accident Attorneys

I-95, one of the country’s most dangerous highways, claims too many lives and devastates so many families. Those who survive car accidents on I-95 are often left with permanent injuries and disabilities. Family members become caregivers, and may even have to quit their jobs to provide the necessary care. If you or someone you love has been injured or killed on I-95, please do not hesitate to call our I-95 car accident claims attorneys today.

I-95 Car Accident Causes

  • Distracted drivers
  • Speeding or excessive speed for weather and traffic conditions
  • Drivers who speed in construction zones
  • Unnecessary or inappropriate police chases
  • Drunk or drugged drivers
  • Driver fatigue
  • Improper lane changes
  • Unsafe passing
  • Following too closely
  • Defective vehicle
  • Inadequately or improperly marked construction zones
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Other roadway defects

I-95 Construction Accidents

In 2011 there were 892 road construction and maintenance-related accidents in Connecticut. 34% of those accidents were rear-end collisions. Ultimately, the construction on I-95 is intended to improve the heavy congestion and dangerous conditions on the highway. In the meantime, the construction itself poses a multitude of hazards.

Accidents that occur in construction zones are often the result of negligent or reckless driving, such as driving over the posted limit, but many construction-related accidents are due to improperly marked construction zones and other similar problems.

If your I-95 accident was the result of a roadway defect or improper construction practices, your lawsuit may be against a government entity. That means that your case will be more complicated and that you have a very short amount of time to take legal action, in the form of a notice of intent to sue. After that, you still have to file your lawsuit within the amount of time specified in the statute of limitations.

If You Were Found to be At Fault

You cannot rely on the police findings or the results of the insurance company’s investigation. Our Connecticut I-95 accident claims attorneys will thoroughly investigate to uncover the true underlying cause or causes of your accident. If it turns out that you were partly to blame for your accident, you can still recover compensation under Connecticut law, as long as you were no more than 50% at fault.

Car accidents on I-95 destroy too many lives. If you have been injured or have a car accident claim that occurred on I-95, you may be able to recover substantial financial compensation which can help you and your family get back on your feet, and pay for your future expenses and losses so that you do not have to face the fear and uncertainty of wondering how you will pay for medical care and your everyday bills. Please call the Connecticut I-95 car accident claims attorneys of Hastings, Cohan, and Walsh, LLP, at (888) 244-5480 today, or contact us online, to schedule your free initial consultation and learn more about your legal rights.