Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 1087 Broad Street, Suite 201, Bridgeport, CT 06604

How Will National Speed Limit Changes Affect Driver Behavior?

As New York City looks likely to join an every growing list of cities which have introduced lower speed limits on their streets, traffic safety experts are welcoming the move.

The state Senate recently passed legislation to allow New York City to reduce its speed limit to 25 mph which could be enacted in the fall, even as other areas of the country begin to post speed limit increases.

Traffic experts seem surprised by the move which is in contrast with the recent trend among many states to increase the speed limits on interstates to 75 mph.

While some road safety experts state that it is obvious that reducing vehicle speed will reduce road fatalities, other traffic experts are skeptical of the benefits of a reduced speed limit, saying that in their opinion drivers will simply ignore it and continue to drive at their usual speed while taking account of the prevailing road conditions.

Speed Limit

Speeding is one of the top causes for serious and fatal accidents on Interstate 95. If you have suffered serious injuries as a result of an Interstate 95 accident, please call our Connecticut I-95 accident attorneys at Hastings, Cohan, and Walsh, LLP, at (888) 244-5480 or contact us online today.